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Mary Ellyn Vicksta

Vicksta Innovative Practices, LLC
Appleton, WI United States
Mary Ellyn started taking photos with her own camera when she was 10.  Since then, she’s explored photography in college classes, photo workshops in wonderful parts of the US and creative expression-focused workshops in Canada.  She’s devoted to taking at least one photo a day since 2012.  She used to have a B&W darkroom and was a very early adopter to digital photography.  She’s thoroughly explored photo apps and has actively watched how AI has transformed photo editing and used AI since it first crept and now roared within apps like PicsArt.

CPSI-wise, Mary Ellyn has attended CPSI since 1992. She started leading sessions in the late 90's ranging from Core Courses to Immersions. She’s been recognized by the CPSI community by receiving CEF's Distinguished Leader and Service Awards.

My Presenters Sessions

Tuesday, June 25

4:00pm EDT