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Iryna Molodecky

IZM Visuals

Contact Me

I’m a Visual Nerd – always have been. I’ve been drawing since I could hold a crayon in my hand. My first “wall graphic” was on the walls of my parents’ home at the age of three. I spent my childhood attending art classes and majored in Visual Arts at York University. I love art and dabble in it when I have time.
Instead of pursuing fine art after university, I detoured into a 25 year career in advertising, graphic design, illustration, and visual process work, and then 13 years as a professor of Advertising and Creative Thinking, I'm passionate about making a meaningful difference in the way young people experience learning. I see the need for preparing our youth to be creative problem-solvers and co-creators in this ever-changing world that demands innovative thinking skills.
Currently I'm focused on my work with Visual Thinking Strategies for higher education and facilitating creativity workshops, I’m a board member of the International Visual Literacy Association, a member of the International Forum of Visual Practitioners, the Creative Education Foundation and the Quinte Arts Council.
A graduate of Buffalo's Masters in Creative Studies program (2015) I'm really looking forward to reconnecting with those I know and making new connections!

My Presenters Sessions

Monday, June 24

2:00pm EDT