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Tools Techniques and Processes [clear filter]
Monday, June 24

2:00pm EDT

Draw Your Creativity into Focus with Visual Thinking Strategies
Explore a new way of seeing and solving challenges with a focus on freehand drawing. Using a unique 50-card deck with visual prompts on the front and guided instructions for using drawing as a creative problem-solving tool on the back, you will learn a variety of strategies for incorporating visual language into the CPS process. Designed for individual or group work in boardrooms, classrooms, or for anyone looking to unleash their creative thinking with the power of freehand drawing. A demonstration of this Visual Thinking Strategies Card Deck will be offered in this workshop as well as the opportunity for participants to practice the tool. Participants are encouraged to bring a challenge to work on and a Yes! attitude to exploring the Power of Drawing. No artistic talent is required.

avatar for Iryna Molodecky

Iryna Molodecky

Founder, IZM Visuals
I’m a Visual Nerd – always have been. I’ve been drawing since I could hold a crayon in my hand. My first “wall graphic” was on the walls of my parents’ home at the age of three. I spent my childhood attending art classes and majored in Visual Arts at York University. I... Read More →

Monday June 24, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Workshop Design
The best workshops are impactful learning experiences and leverage learning experience design principles to create lasting transformation. In this workshop, we’ll introduce the foundational learning science and learning experience design principles that you can bring to your sessions to maximize participant potential. Using our proven Workshop Design Canvas, you’ll immediately apply your learning to a workshop of their choice.
The Workshop Design Canvas is a visual tool for designing workshops, meetings, training courses, summits, and any time we want to gather people and drive toward shared outcomes. Ultimately, when we're bringing people together and seeking a shared outcome, it’s essential to account for how our brains work and for the real human beings taking part in the experience.
Even if you don’t consider yourself a trainer, these techniques will improve engagement, retention, and participant commitment during and after your workshop. If you value true adoption and continued growth, this workshop is for you.
Key Takeways
  • Recognize key learning experience design principles for impactful facilitation
  • Facilitate workshops using key learning experience design principles 
  • Build community with other facilitators
  • Practice applying learning insights as a facilitator

avatar for Douglas Ferguson

Douglas Ferguson

President, Voltage Control
Douglas Ferguson is an entrepreneur, educator, and human-centered technologist. He is the founder and president of Voltage Control, a facilitation academy that develops leaders through certifications, workshops, and organizational coaching focused on facilitation mastery, innovation... Read More →
avatar for Erik Skogsberg

Erik Skogsberg

VP of Learning Experience, Voltage Control
Erik believes that a deep empathy and caring rooted in human-centered design, systems thinking, and futures thinking best supports partners in finding their solutions. Erik is passionate about supporting clients imagining innovative approaches to complex organizational challenges.Trained... Read More →

Monday June 24, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Dramatic Engagement: Theater Tools that Build Connection
This is a dramatically different series of exercises and tools that will not put anyone in a spotlight that feels too bright.  We will leverage your natural curiosity to fully engage and delight you. You will want to try these out, singly or in a series, like our session will do.

avatar for Deb Williams

Deb Williams

Organizational Development Consultant, Collective Energy Consulting LLC
2024 might be my 11th year attending CPSI!After years of happily taking in all the CPSI goodness, I became a CPSI conference presenter: Navigating Change in 2021 and Connecting the Dots (to make learning stick) in 2022, Warm CPSI Welcome facilitator and Youthwise Six Thinking Hats... Read More →

Monday June 24, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

From Bach to Brainwaves: Music's Power to Boost Concentration and Imagination
From musical warm ups, to background music to set the right mood, and spark ideas, music can enrich any classroom, workshop, or creative problem solving session. This session is unique as it offers strategies for educators and facilitators to use music in a way that is approachable and easy to implement in any classroom or training situation. You will learn how to effectively use music to encourage creativity and discover fun ways to incorporate music activities without needing a background in music.

avatar for Tamara Bertram

Tamara Bertram

Innovation Training Specialist, University of North Dakota
Tamara Bertram is an Innovation Training Specialist at the Center for Innovation, University of North Dakota. Tamara collaborates with nonprofits, start-ups, entrepreneurs, and tech and manufacturing companies, utilizing the Creative Problem Solving process to discover innovative... Read More →

Monday June 24, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Seeing What Matters in the Big Picture: Challenge Mapping to Uncover Powerful Problem Definitions
Experience an innovative conceptual thinking tool that integrates analytical and imaginative thinking to create better, more robust business strategies applicable to any complex problem. In this highly interactive session learn a tool and techniques you can use day-to-day to discover both real root causes and new aspirational opportunities in complex problems leading to new insights on how to best innovate. We will create an explicit logical map connecting actionable tactics to strategic pillars to broad strategic vision as a better way to articulate robust strategies with ownership.

avatar for Tim Basadur

Tim Basadur

Lead Trainer and Facilitator, Basadur Applied Innovation
I have been facilitating and training people in CPS for 30+ years. I have been a presenter at CPSI for nearly 20 years now and when I was a wee lad I helped my father, Min Basadur, with his CPSI presentations.

Monday June 24, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Tuesday, June 25

2:00pm EDT

A Practical Guide to Influencing More
We all run across people and situations in our professional lives that we find challenging. And it’s genuinely tough to change these difficult situations. In this session, we’ll share practice specific strategies that help people see these challenges differently, and we’ll workshop approaches and ideas that could help boost your influence with the people around you. In every session, we will apply adult learning techniques, including brain breaks, stretching, sketch noting and mindfulness activities. We also use facilitated attendee engagement, interactive, collaborative learning strategies, learning by doing, and focus on personalized action plans.

avatar for Marnette Falley

Marnette Falley

Executive Coach, SunRoad Coaching & Consulting LLC
IFC certified coach Marnette Falley, MS, is a strategist and creative problem solver who helps clients identify and activate personal and organizational strengths and overcome persistent barriers. She helps leaders and teams find new paths. Marnette leverages 25 years of business... Read More →

Tuesday June 25, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Positive Creativity Leadership: Leveraging Appreciative Inquiry in Your Work Life
Appreciative Inquiry and Creativity are powerful approaches to Leadership that will further strengthen the results you can achieve with teams. This session shows you how to incorporate Positive Creativity Leadership, a strategic combination of AI and the Science of Creativity, in your work life. We use an interactive style to share the foundational concepts and exercises to help you master the art of reframing problems to become opportunities.  If you are looking for some ways to amplify your own work or help others increase their professional impact, this reframing is an essential skill for achieving clear, actionable outcomes. Join us to begin your process of incorporating AI + Creativity into your Leadership practice.

avatar for Kim Marie McKernan, MBA, MS

Kim Marie McKernan, MBA, MS

Founder, Inspired Outcomes Now LLC
Kim is an international marketing leader, facilitator, and presenter. She left a career as a marketing executive at a 3 billion company to found her business, Inspired Outcomes Now, to help organizations be more positive, creative, and strategic. Over 125 organizations and individuals have leveraged her A Nu Way™ Branding and Co-Creating the Future processes to stand apart and design their desired future. With an MBA from SUNY at Buffalo, an MS in Creative... Read More →
avatar for Terry Fulcher, BS, MS

Terry Fulcher, BS, MS

Lead Consultant, Resource-Ful One Consulting
Terry is an experienced healthcare leader, executive coach & team facilitator. Terry utilizes Appreciative Inquiry and Creativity based research as the basis for Strategic Planning work. Terry has provided executive coaching and organizational development experiences to healthcare... Read More →

Tuesday June 25, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

The Power of Unlearning
Ready to flip the script on traditional thinking? Join this workshop for a dive into the power of unlearning! In this interactive course, we'll learn why unlearning is the secret sauce for groundbreaking problem-solving. Buckle up as we learn to intentionally acknowledge and let go of mental constraints, get uncomfortable with the process, and see how unlearning sparks fresh perspectives and turbocharges your ability to tackle challenges innovatively.


Michelle Green, PT, DPT

Assistant Program Director / Associate Professor of Health Sciences, Campbell University
Innovation, teambuilding, employee, and student engagement

Tuesday June 25, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Creativity Games for Divergent Thinking
Creative play is a great way to increase flexibility of thinking, open up possibilities, dream a new future, and practice divergent thinking. In this session, play games and explore ideas in a judgment-free zone! We will do exercises that help develop your divergent thinking skills in a fun way. This is all participation and will stretch your brain!

avatar for Talia Dashow

Talia Dashow

Creativity Catalyst, Talia Dashow Coaching
Talia started a Creativity Club during the pandemic to get to hang out with friends on Zoom while everything was shut down. Once she put it on Eventbrite it grew into an international group, and now has regulars from all over the world. Talia has spent decades trying to figure out... Read More →

Tuesday June 25, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Developing Conscious Facilitation
When we find ourselves in the role of facilitator, the responsibility can feel overwhelming. What do we do if and when conflict arises? How do we keep participants engaged without sacrificing authenticity? How do we build community when time is limited? How does a facilitator empower participants to take the reins of their own learning and unburden ourselves from being the keeper of knowledge? These concepts are particularly helpful as our culture learns to understand the impact of equity, inclusion and identity as points of leverage and unlearns perceiving them as barriers.

avatar for Jimmy Juste

Jimmy Juste

CEO and Founder, Innerve Consulting
Jimmy relentlessly seeks unexplored territories, sparking thought-provoking discussions with simple questions. Embracing a nine-year journey in Montessori spaces, he thrives on disrupting and reshaping cultural norms as a seasoned consultant and facilitator. Jimmy has left his mark... Read More →

Tuesday June 25, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

FourSight Teams PREVIEW
We can’t wait to see you at CPSI.
…a whole week to celebrate creativity!
…new friends…new insights…

Ever wish you could bottle it all up and take it back to work? So do we.

In fact, our goal at FourSight is to make that possible. Since 2004, we’ve been making Creative Problem Solving easy for teams to teach, learn, and apply. You might already know about the FourSight Thinking Profile assessment. It measures how people like to approach a challenge that needs creative thinking.

But wait! There’s more…
Come to the “FourSight Teams PREVIEW!”

This year at CPSI, we’re unveiling our new FourSight Teams feature. This ingenious online platform keeps CPS alive in teams, even after people have taken the FourSight assessment and CPS training. FourSight Teams helps people understand how they fit into their teams and how to collaborate better with every teammate. Team even get advice (and CPS tools) to help them solve problems more effectively.

This thing is cool (if we do say so ourselves).

Come to this session and see how it works. If you come, you get a free trial subscription and coaching tips on how to use this tool to help leaders and teams think better together.

Haven’t taken FourSight yet? Take it now!

If you’re signed up for the CPS Foundations course, use this link:

EVERYBODY ELSE… use this one!

See you there!

avatar for Sarah Thurber

Sarah Thurber

Managing Partner, FourSight
Sarah is Managing Partner at FourSight. A speaker, author and thought leader in the field of creativity, she works in partnership with academic researchers, creativity trainers and designers to spearhead the development of online and print-based tools that support cognitive diversity... Read More →


Tuesday June 25, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Outrageous Photos and Videos using AI
In this session we will explore using PicsArt, a photo and video app that has led the way in utilizing AI capability.  After a demonstration of what is possible in PicsArt using various AI functions, we will create some wild and outrageous photos and videos.  We will also discuss how AI photography might be used in your personal and professional lives.

At the end of the session, we will vote on the most outrageous photo or video created!

What You Need:  
  • PicsArt downloaded on your phone or tablet before the workshop
  • Some photos and videos ready to work on during the session

avatar for Mary Ellyn Vicksta

Mary Ellyn Vicksta

Founder, Vicksta Innovative Practices, LLC
Mary Ellyn started taking photos with her own camera when she was 10.  Since then, she’s explored photography in college classes, photo workshops in wonderful parts of the US and creative expression-focused workshops in Canada.  She’s devoted to taking at least one photo a day... Read More →

Tuesday June 25, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Step Into: LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® methods
Are you looking for new tools for engagement? Time to add LEGO bricks to your tool kit!

Come and sample this facilitated thinking & communications technique. It draws on extensive research from the field of business, organization development, psychology and learning. This session will be action packed with 90 minutes of hands-on real-time learning through play!

Using hand-brain knowledge this 3D process helps teams surface information, explore ideas, create better options, develop deeper knowledge and identify solutions faster with 100% engagement. Build some meaningful connection while you make and create in this fast paced breakout. You will be thinking in 3D like a pro in no time at all! It’s time to play!

Learning Objectives:
-Build with LEGO® bricks using directives to improve engagement;
-Apply the five step processes to improve communication through story-making;
-Experience how hands-on minds-on building creates powerful artifacts and changes the
-Uncover the meaning behind the story;
-Examine flow theory and underlying neuroscience principles that make this method
powerful and memorable.

avatar for Stephen Walling

Stephen Walling

Director of PLAY, Strategic Play Global

Tuesday June 25, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Wednesday, June 26

2:00pm EDT

Art of the Decision
Most people are looking for an edge in their decision-making. We spend time clarifying the challenges in our workplace and in our lives, developing ideas, and then planning for action only to find ourselves stalled or back at square one just a bit frustrated. Wouldn’t it be great if there existed a resource that would yield more novel and useful ideas than you could have ever imagined? Creativity expert and arts professional Anthony Billoni developed and tested a process over the last ten years that will guide you toward this treasure trove of ideas by experiencing art like never before.

avatar for Anthony Billoni

Anthony Billoni

Owner, APEX Leader Growth
I have an MS from Center for Applied Imagination. I use CPS/Deliberate Creativity daily in live and in my consulting practice. I have been leading, volunteering and presenting at CPSI for 20+ years.

Wednesday June 26, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Decoding Emotional Harmony: Unveiling the Cognitive Behavioral Model
This workshop is an immersive exploration of the Cognitive Behavioral Model, where we unravel the intricate connections between our thoughts, behaviors, and beliefs, and how they sculpt our emotional landscape. Through interactive exercises, role play, and discussions, discover practical strategies to navigate and enhance your emotional well-being.

avatar for Dr. Kristy Tyson

Dr. Kristy Tyson

Chief Talent Development Coach, Lifement LLC
Dr. Kristy Tyson, acclaimed author of "YOUR CALL: Critical Thinking for Decision Makers," is the Owner and Chief Talent Development Coach at Lifement LLC. With a focus on emerging leaders and organizations, Dr. Tyson delivers personalized coaching tailored to individual and group... Read More →

Wednesday June 26, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Finding the Root Cause of Your Success: A 5 W’s & H Tool
Ever wonder what made a project successful? Is there a way to repeat that success? Yes! Using an adaptation of Root Cause Analysis we will search for the root causes of success. Instead of searching for a solution to a problem, we will be investigating hidden patterns that have caused successful outcomes.

avatar for Dr. Gregory Buschman, MSMKT, MSIS, Ph.D.

Dr. Gregory Buschman, MSMKT, MSIS, Ph.D.

Founder, Strategic Leadership Development
A leadership author, keynote speaker, professor, and expert in leadership development and workforce optimization. Dr. Buschman specializes in creative leadership for innovation and change, generational diversity, and strength-based employee coaching. He has facilitated creative leadership... Read More →
avatar for Debbie Buschman

Debbie Buschman

Co-Founder, Strategic Leadership Development
A former Publicly Elected Official, Debbie Buschman has seamlessly transitioned into the role of Operations Analyst for the City of St. Petersburg. With over a decade of experience in Public Administration and Management, Debbie excels in fostering significant changes through strategic... Read More →

Wednesday June 26, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Great Expectations
Expectations that are clear and shared are critical for the success of a team or even a family. In this session participants will learn a process for setting clear expectations with themselves and others. Having a process that can be used in any setting is very helpful for new conversations that we wish we could have but often don’t.

avatar for Lindsay Burr

Lindsay Burr

CEO, Yarbrough Group
An engaging facilitator and Polarity ThinkingTM Master Trainer, Lindsay brings a depth of knowledge and a global perspective that supports seeing the known in a new way. Lindsay will unpack the key concepts of Polarity Thinking and change how you think about leadership and followership... Read More →

Wednesday June 26, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Now What the Duck?
Are you looking for some fun activities you can do with just a handful of bricks? Like
most teachers, trainers, and counsellors, HR professionals, management consultants,
you are likely being asked to do more with less. If so, this is the perfect short session for

You might be working with a classroom full of students, a large group of people at a
conference, or a small group, board of directors, or group of executives. Regardless, we
have the activities you need to keep people engaged, communicating, and learning
while time flies by.

So, what’s with the duck metaphor? We make use of the 6 LEGO® bricks that constitute a duck.

This fast-moving, interactive training will take you by surprise as you see the power of the hand-brain connection. This makes for a great activity to get started, and it is low-budget too. All you need are some simple LEGO® bricks. The true power of the process is the incredible ways in which this tool can be adapted and modified to deliver your outcome and results.

Learning Objectives:
-Explore ways to engage students and participants
-Create moments of insight re: cognitive diversity
-Uncover hidden creativity and the power of the hand – eye – brain connection
-Discover new ways to stimulate powerful conversations

avatar for Stephen Walling

Stephen Walling

Director of PLAY, Strategic Play Global

Wednesday June 26, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Observational Mindfulness: Techniques to Spark Your Creativity
Neuroscience shows us that mindfulness can stabilize our attention and help us focus more deeply. By working to develop our attention and working memory, we can engage the senses and refresh the mind to spark creativity. In her book, Peak Mind, Amishi Jha, Director of Contemplative Neuroscience for the Mindfulness Research and Practice Initiative, writes, “Attention is powerful, fragile, and trainable.” In this workshop we’ll leverage tools to practice mindfulness “push-ups” and engage in activities to move into an observational mindset where creativity and innovation flourishes. In every session, we will apply adult learning techniques, including brain breaks, stretching, sketch noting and mindfulness activities. We also use facilitated attendee engagement, interactive, collaborative learning strategies, learning by doing, and focus on personalized action plans.

avatar for Marnette Falley

Marnette Falley

Executive Coach, SunRoad Coaching & Consulting LLC
IFC certified coach Marnette Falley, MS, is a strategist and creative problem solver who helps clients identify and activate personal and organizational strengths and overcome persistent barriers. She helps leaders and teams find new paths. Marnette leverages 25 years of business... Read More →

Wednesday June 26, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

3D Diagnostic Cards: Based on LEGO® SERIOUS PLAY® Methods
Do you need a faster way to better understand your clients / consumers?
Are you looking for a better way to design workshops?
Do you want to add more fun while effectively using your time?

The powerful pocket-sized tool is for inspiring creative thinking, problem-solving, decision-making and collaborating to drive innovation. Designed for facilitators, teachers, consultants and researchers, 3D Diagnostic Cards stimulate productive meetings and workshops through rapid diagnosis and purpose-built play.

This session is for you if you:
1. Recognize the power of storytelling
2. Love creative visuals
3. Like to play with ideas
4. You’re a LEGO® fan
5. You want to add a new tool to your facilitator play kit
6. You’re looking for some serious fun

3D Diagnostic Cards help you identify the key issues that clients are struggling with. Whether it is due to office politics, lack of clarity, embarrassment, or pride, it can be difficult to bring certain topics to light. The inherent humor of the image serves as an external prompt that makes it easier for people to open the discussion to topics which they may have considered taboo or challenging to address.

Learning Objectives:
-Explore CPS on a deeper level using this fun playful tool
-Create a common language and clarity to communication
-Uncover hidden innovation through root cause analysis and story boarding
-Discover new ways to stimulate powerful conversations

avatar for Stephen Walling

Stephen Walling

Director of PLAY, Strategic Play Global

Wednesday June 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Focusing on Failure: Using Improv to Stretch Our Confidence Skills
Most people try not to fail, but this session is about taking that belief and flipping it around. This session will help us focus on learning from failing forward (or using lessons from our experiences) by developing comfort in the concept of “failure.” We will use improv and other therapeutic methods to help our brains and bodies find focus not on avoiding failure but find comfort in it.

avatar for Mallori DeSalle, MA, LMHC, NCC, CMHC, CHP

Mallori DeSalle, MA, LMHC, NCC, CMHC, CHP

Therapist, Humorist, Trainer, and Oreo Sommelier, Mallori DeSalle, LLC
Mallori DeSalle is a licensed mental health counselor, motivational interviewing trainer, and certified humor professional. As a speaker and trainer, she has sparked curiosity in both the young and young-at-heart. Her passion for creating a lasting impact led her to the public health... Read More →

Wednesday June 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Social Styles: How to Spot Creative Preference in the Wild
Collaboration is about idea exchange. When we collaborate, we express creative needs that often go unmet, which can derail how we work together. Wouldn’t it be great to understand what people think when emotions run high and conflict kicks in?

avatar for Michael Ackerbauer

Michael Ackerbauer

Business Transformation Consultant, IBM
see bio here: https://twitter.com/RobertDowneyJr

Wednesday June 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT

4:00pm EDT

Strategic Leadership Unleashed: Navigating Sustainability in Dynamic Business Landscapes
Join this dynamic session where strategic leadership meets sustainability. Uncover practical techniques to enhance self-leadership, navigate the Five Strategy Questions for sustainable decision-making, and unveil the Three Secrets to Sustainable Company Building. Gain actionable insights, not just theories, and leave equipped to creatively tackle challenges in your business journey.

avatar for Dr. William Clark

Dr. William Clark

CEO, Eli Patrick & Co.
Dr. William Clark is a noted expert in nonprofit sustainability, fundraising strategies, and leadership development. With over 15 years of experience in city government, nonprofit administration, and public housing operations, he has dedicated his life's work to empowering nonprofit... Read More →

Wednesday June 26, 2024 4:00pm - 5:30pm EDT
Thursday, June 27

2:00pm EDT

Harnessing ChatGPT: Focusing Creative Energies in the Digital Age
Discover how ChatGPT, an advanced AI tool, can transform your creative process. This interactive workshop explores practical strategies for using ChatGPT to focus and enhance creativity. Engage in hands-on activities demonstrating how AI assists in problem-solving and ideation, offering unique, efficient approaches to creative challenges.

avatar for Debbie Buschman

Debbie Buschman

Co-Founder, Strategic Leadership Development
A former Publicly Elected Official, Debbie Buschman has seamlessly transitioned into the role of Operations Analyst for the City of St. Petersburg. With over a decade of experience in Public Administration and Management, Debbie excels in fostering significant changes through strategic... Read More →

Thursday June 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

The 7 Secrets of Making Empathy Your Superpower
Insight heroes, assemble! In this action-packed session, we will share the 7 Secrets of Making Empathy Your Superpower. Participants will engage with a framework of proven, strategic “secrets” that will ignite more powerful creative problem solving through empathy. We will reveal the secrets, see them in action, and put our newfound powers of good to use in a hands-on activity. The mission of the session is to educate and inspire attendees to integrate empathy into every part of the creative problem-solving process—in order to unlock keener observations, undeniable insights, sharper problem definitions, and impactful solutions.

avatar for Troy Geesaman

Troy Geesaman

SVP, Strategy, Seed Strategy
Troy Geesaman is Seed Strategy’s SVP of Strategy. He’s a connector in every sense, bringing together ideas and action; learning and context; humanity and leadership. As a proven innovator who has led the strategy and launch of several new products on both the client and agency... Read More →
avatar for Jim Berling

Jim Berling

SVP & Managing Director, Burke Institute
Passionate educator, coach, and qualitative researcher that believes emotions and data come together through targeted stories that uncover actionable insights.

Thursday June 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

The Basadur Profile: Creativity and Innovation with Style
In this interactive, experiential session, discover and learn to describe your unique preferred blend of the different stages of the Basadur creative problem solving process, and also to understand the preferences of others. Through use of the original CPS style preference instrument, the Basadur Profile, learn how to more fully internalize the process and put it into everyday practice, honing your own unique approach to creativity and increasing your effectiveness in working with others.

avatar for Tim Basadur

Tim Basadur

Lead Trainer and Facilitator, Basadur Applied Innovation
I have been facilitating and training people in CPS for 30+ years. I have been a presenter at CPSI for nearly 20 years now and when I was a wee lad I helped my father, Min Basadur, with his CPSI presentations.

Thursday June 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT

2:00pm EDT

Visioning through Abundance: Combining Creative Problem Solving and Appreciative Inquiry tools to celebrate and build an abundance based personal vision
Exploring the synergy between Appreciative Inquiry and CPS, this session invites participants to infuse these tools and techniques into a personal visioning process. Participants will be invited to participate in group activities utilizing tools and techniques from both models, and to celebrate and build an abundance based personal vision.

avatar for Annemarie Boss

Annemarie Boss

Facilitator, UMBN
Annemarie honed her craft facilitating workshops at The Dalí Museum’s Innovation Labs in St. Petersburg, FL, where she helped clients view their business challenges through the works of Salvador Dalí. From there, she began working with all kinds of minds and missions. Since 2018... Read More →

Thursday June 27, 2024 2:00pm - 3:30pm EDT
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